- When you start having convos like this "did the dog eat?" "I don't know I thought you fed him." "I didn't feed him ... " "humm... he's probably hungry" You know you have a new puppy and your life and you haven't quite figured out the schedule yet...
- You know your getting old when you do things that remind you of your parents such as: "hey hubs, I bought a cute necklace ... you can give it to me for my birthday." When did birthdays stop being surprising? Apparently when you get married.
- I have an issue with the fact that my puppy gets more money spent on him than my husband and I combined ... shots, broken teeth, swallowed bones, heart worm meds, flea and tick meds ... and he has allergies?!?! I have been told often as of late that I am now prepared for a child.
- You know that you are no longer considered newly weds when: you go to bed with very very unshaven legs and you ask for a foot massage when your feet stink to high heavens, and your not even ashamed :)
- Nothing is better than seeing the sacrifice in a relationship ... whether is be putting up with a puppy (when your not a dog person) or running a race (even though you despise running). Cleaning when you're tired, taking your down time to fix things in the house ...
- When morning hair doesn't scare him ... you know you've got him hooked!
- It's pretty great when your parents come to visit and they are impressed at your apartment, it's also pretty great when you can treat them instead of asking for money :)
- When your all of 12 pound puppy is being bad and your husband comes running from the other room to help you know he's going to make a great dad haha
- On the flip side when your puppy swallows a whole chicken bone and you and your husband sit and laugh till you cry while the DR makes him throw it up ... you start to wonder if you will be a good parent yourself...
- When you start having more friends married than not ... and half of them have children, you wonder "where did life go?!" and also many times ... "Am I old enough for this?"
- If you've even had a fight about: 1) how to paint a wall 2) the way to hang a picture 3) how to pack a car 4) where to park the car 5) how to properly wash the dishes ... or any other ridiculous fight along those lines you may realize that 2 firstborns have married each other.
- umm ... what a life so far. At times fun, frustrating, exciting, ridiculous, irritating, tiring, joyful but no matter what always full of love. I wouldn't trade it for the world.