
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moving into our first fix er up

So we got married ...  And moved into our first Apartment together....
We fell in love with the area the apartment was in as well as the apartment itself ... 15 foot ceilings? Yes please! But we soon found that walls that large come with challenges of their own.  After cleaning things such as grease all over the kitchen wall, dead faceless mouse from behind the fridge, no I didn't scream when I found him ... pretty proud of myself, and the mounds of dirt behind the oven we moved on to more of the cosmetic issues. 

Issue number 1 ...
Yes you see correctly, the previous tenant seemed to have painted the walls a tan .. ish color with the exception of this one large section.  So we decided paint was a must ... but what to paint a room with such large amounts of wall space? I already had a vision for a red couch ... which made Peter very nervous, but he trusted me and off we were to the nearest Home Depot. I am not the biggest fan of boring but I also didn't want the space we were going to spend the majority of our time in to be overwhelming or become boring.... the fact that we had to climb 15 feet in the air to paint our living room walls made it a definite one time deal. 

Issue number 2
See that dark square on the wall ... its a widow to the hallway that was boarded up. It was taking away from the character of the apartment and also was just plain ugly. (also notice my red couch! I found it on craigslist and at the end of my negotiations paid $40 for it!) 
Here is the window once it was uncovered!  At this point I had also decided on a wall color, a mustard yellow color. It took a LONG time to find the perfect yellow color. There is a section painted with the paint!

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