
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes when your dryer doesn't work, it's a birdnest...

Our Post Office.  
Original Manassas Post Office. Built in 1906 by Judge C. E. Nichol, it housed the post office from 1906 to 1923. The building is an excellent example of Renaissance Revival architecture with its decorative brickwork in parapet, segmental arches with keystones over the windows, rusticated brickwork surrounding the doors and "POST OFFICE" in cement over the main entrance. The building was restored in 1983 by Gloria and Walter Delisle and now houses their Antique business.

So yes, the Post Office or our home. We love it despite the smallness of the section we inhabit. It is a beautiful building ... and the space we do have the privilege of living in and calling ours for the time being had a few things that needed fixing, besides the walls and need for more storage space. When we first started cleaning things up we decided that the dead mouse, who had been in his grave behind our fridge for long enough to be faceless ... needed to go. With all the cleaning we were doing we were using a lot of rags. So one day I did some laundry ... and the when I put the load into the dryer and dried it, they came out wet. So in my head I thought either 1. the dryer is broken or 2. the guy who lived here before us didn't even notice the faceless mouse behind his fridge ... it wouldn't be a far stretch to guess he hadn't cleaned out the dryer vent or hose in years. And so the honey do list grew :) Peter decided one Saturday when I was out to try and fix the dryer for me and below is the picture I received to my phone.

The message that accompanied it was something very Peter "Dryer should work better now." YA THINK?! Appearently the dryer hose, which goes straight outside to the ally behind our building was stuffed to the brim with sticks, feathers, dirt ... pretty much this bird was a pack rat. I mean really dude ... you really needed that much stuff for a nest?! Anyways for argument sake we decided he couldn't live there anymore and he was promplty asked to relocate. And now my dryer works!

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